Most of us probably preach the importance of dousing ourselves in sunscreen, but time and again, we mess up. Despite our knowledge of how much we need it, there are times when even though we try our hardest, we get a sunburn.
DIRECTLY FOLLOWING YOUR BURN This may seem pretty obvious, but the first thing you should do once you start turning red, is get out of the sun. Your skin turning pink is a warning sign from your body that it’s had enough and it’s time to chill out. Although you need to stay out of the sun, you don’t have to stay locked in while everyone’s enjoying themselves outside. You can go out, but stay covered up.
Whenever you get out of the sun, you should try taking a cold bath with some added milk. If you don’t like the idea of soaking in milk then go ahead and sit in an oatmeal bath. Aside from the baths, you should go get some cortisone cream or aloe. Not only this, but you should consider buying your favored pain reliever. This helps to lessen inflammation and make the pain not so bad.
DAYS AFTER YOUR SUNBURN While you’re staying out of the sun, you need to make sure you’re also staying hydrated. This means not only drinking a lot of water, but keeping your skin moisturized too. However, you need to wait at least a day or so before putting something on your skin. You have to wait because putting a cream on your skin directly after because doing so could actually keep the heat inside of your skin, making inflammation even worse.
You should also cut down your skin care to what you really need while treating your burn. Make sure you don’t exfoliate at all and don’t mess with your skin if it’s peeling or blistering.
YEARS POST YOUR SUNBURN You may think that because your burn has faded and healed that you’re okay. But actually, damage stays even longer than when the redness leaves. This means you should consider continuing treatment.
You should add retinol in your skin care to help with sunspots, lines, and wrinkles.
Resurfacing lasers are exceptionally successful in making the overall tone and quality of your skin even better, and they could potentially help protect you from skin cancer later on.
About the Spa: At Koffee Day Spa, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before enjoying any of our services. We hope your experience will be better once you know what to expect, have more realistic ideals and goals, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214) 428-9696 I info@koffeedayspa.com I www.koffeedayspa.com I 1118 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75215
Content Copyright © 2017, Koffee Day Spa, Inc & Mogul247 Enterprises
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