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Koffee Day Spa

Changes are happening all over, including in the spa industry. Once we understand the changes taking place, we can start really paying attention and being prepared. Thinking about the “big picture” is important when creating a plan that will succeed. This means, letting out all major changes and understanding them lead to increased marketing and business.

With that being said, here are some “major” changes that we should all understand. These probably won’t surprise you but they are important. These are listed because they demand your understanding and aren’t just trends that will fade soon enough. These are changes that are essential to the future.


The message is finally being made clear. Stress is the biggest cause of a lot of common diseases. No matter where you are in the world, people are searching for the best cure to their stress. Spas are simply that cure. Spas use massage, acupuncture, exercise, and meditation to help relieve stress and provide us with the most relaxing experience possible. This is why spas are so popular; they’re the key to stress relief.

Over the years surveys have confirmed that the main reason customers go to spas are to get rid of stress and feel relaxed. Up until now, the marketing of spas has been more of a depiction of exotic treatments. However as people have been digging to get to the core, spas have started to change their stories. Many spas have simplified their menu to show the main benefit of each service while promising relaxation and feeling or looking even better. This allows guests to make the best decision for them that will be the most beneficial and target their needs.

Guests will trust the spa professionals when they use or recommend products or routines and will want to take them home to continue feeling the effects and get the most benefits. However, a guest won’t normally decide to buy or carry out a regimen on their own. The staff needs the right training to be able to be the most valuable educators of the products. Joining a company that is willing to provide you with the proper training increases the chances of being successful in selling products for at home use. However, all companies will offer training; some can give you more thorough training and will help you even more.


The population of people in their twenty’s and thirty’s now have outdone their parents. Basically, they grew up around learning about spas and understanding the benefits and are more drawn to spas now.

And as we all know, millennials are definitely social media based. The way to reach them and to get spa’s messages out there is through social media.

An ad on social media is the most effective way in influencing millennial decisions. They’re finding out about and learning about different spas and what’s so great about them.


Expectations are much higher today. Spas have started to understand the importance of not only attracting and keeping their guest’s loyalty. Using social media apps to market their spas, they will want to get feedback and work on correcting any errors before they get noticed.

Guests’ notice every detail and spas want to know what they’re thinking and what they want different. Guests are more attracted to spas working to achieve what they want because they know what they like and are happy that spas are working towards meeting their expectations.

Also, gaining loyalty and booking more visits can be encouraged with more offers such as packages and rewards.

In most cases, spa's capture rates have increased. This means people who travel understand the value of finding more relaxation through spa services. When someone stays at a hotel, having a nice spa with the most wanted services will make the guest’s stay even better.

To conclude, it’s been shown that spas are only growing in popularity and will only get bigger. The spa industry has changed A LOT and is working to improve and get more people interested.


About the Spa: At Koffee Day Spa, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before enjoying any of our services. We hope your experience will be better once you know what to expect, have more realistic ideals and goals, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214) 428-9696 I I I 1118 S. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75215

Content Copyright © 2017, Koffee Day Spa, Inc & Mogul247 Enterprises

Content found on and on social media channels, including: written content, galleries, intellectual property, images, audio, video, or other forms of media were created for informative purposes only by Zomped Incorporated and Moonhaus Creative. This content isn’t supposed to be in any way a substitute for professional clinical advice, analysis, or treatment. At all times seek the guidance of your doctor or other trained health provider with any questions you have regarding your medical condition. Never neglect expert medical advice or delay in looking for it because of anything you have read in this advice column. All Rights reserved no outside publishing is allowed by law without the permission of Moonhaus, LLC

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